Countless numbers of following sheep
Never questioning why
For this miserable teflon country
There more than willing to die

 You´re dumb enough to sing
 You´re dumb enough to die
 When you come home in your flag
 Don´t expect me to cry

 You´re dumb enough to sing
 You´re dumb enough to die
 When you come home in your flag
 Don´t expect me to cry

You´re not trying to help any nation
Only helping oil corporations
Stupid, worthless piece of shit
Here´s your fucking flag-go die for it

 You´re dumb enough to sing
 You´re dumb enough to die
 When you come home in your flag
 Don´t expect me to cry

 You´re dumb enough to sing
 You´re dumb enough to die
 When you come home in your flag
 Don´t expect me to cry

So go to the desert and have some fun
Defending fucking scum like Shell and Exxon
Die for them you stupid fuck
When you´re dead and gone, it´llbe your hard luck

 You´re dumb enough to sing
 You´re dumb enough to die
 When you come home in your flag
 Don´t expect me to cry

 You´re dumb enough to sing
 You´re dumb enough to die
 When you come home in your flag
 Don´t expect me to cry